French Bait

French Bait

Here are some places where you can get bait near us in France

Laval Peche

Laval Peche

Laval Peche are French proprietors and don’t speak English.
Also they don’t deliver.
They are located 30 minutes away.
Please check their web site for latest opening times.
Not open on Sundays.
Address - 76 Avenue de Paris, 53940 Saint-Berthevin.
Tel - 0033 2 43 91 19 99
HNV Carp Baits

HNV Carp Baits

HNV baits - are English proprietors.
Bait needs to be ordered at least 3 weeks before you need it.
They can deliver or you can pick up.
They are located 30 minutes away.
Tel - 0033 6 49 63 34 12
Decathlon Laval

Decathlon Laval

Decathlon Laval are French proprietors and don’t speak English. Also they don’t deliver.
Not open on Sundays.
They are located 20 minutes away.
Address - Rue du Commandant Cousteau, 53810 Changé, France.
Tel - 0033 2 43 49 72 72